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Think Wide and Fly High
Lerly Lam, BA (CUHK)
P5 - P6
Local Focus, Global Perspectives
Kenneth Liu, MEng (Cornell), MS (MIT)
S1 - S6
Charles Cheng, B.Comm, MDiv
P4 - S3
Fun Reading
Researcher: Dr Lee, Centre for Assessment (HKIED)
P1 - P6
Digital Learning and Teaching
Sandra Lam, BA (CUHK), MA (Nottingham)
Visible Thinking (Multimedia)
Nathan Johnston, BSc (Stanford) EdM (Harvard)
P1 - P6
Reading & Writing as 1 Process
Therese Condit, EdM (Harvard)
P4 - P6
Speaking through Drama
David Peatfield, BEd (Melb), G.Dip (Mountview)
S1 - S7
Integrate English with LS
Collaborate with PDS
S3 - S6
Enquiry Based Learning (EBL)
Collaborated with Apple Inc.
S1 - S7
Digital Learning & Teaching
Collaborate with Apple, Hanshin, JOS and publishers
Improve Students’ Confidence
Collobarated with 4 TSW Schools
S3 - S6
Writing, Speaking, Podcasting
Cutson Liu, PhD
S1 - S4
Critical Reading to Writing
Therese Condit, EdM (Harvard)
S1 - S3 Elite Students
Video, Snapshot, Lyrics
Winnie Fung, BA, MSc (CUHK)
S1 - S7
Leadership Skills Development
ThinkSeries Committee
S4 - S6 Elite Students
Integrate English with IH
Eric Yiu, BEng (CUHK)
Formative Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST)
S1 - S7
Interest & Confidence for Learning English
Kinnie Lai, BA (HKU)
P3 - P6
Learning Phonics through Sounds of English
Tony Kwok, BA (Stephen F Austin State University), Dip.Ed (BU)
P1 - P6
English FunPac (less privileged)
Sandra Lam, BA (CUHK), MA (Nottingham)
P4 - P6
Hong Kong Attractions
Ted Castro
P4 - P5
Interactive English Speaking Platform
Sandra Lam, BA (CUHK), MA (Nottingham)
P5 - P6
Address Learning Diversity
Bill Loo, BComm (McMaster) MSc (CUHK)
P4 - P6
Fun n' Friends
Fun n' Friends Team
P1 - P6
Process Writing
Clare Cheung, BA, MA
P3 - P6
Pre-seconday fine-tuning programme
Lerly Lam, BA (CUHK)
FnF Interactive Reading
Poetry Poon
P1 - P6
Wiseman Institute
Professional Trainers
S1 - S6
Reading for Understanding
Eric Yiu, BEng (CUHK)
S1 – S6
Kenneth Liu, MEng (Cornell), MS (MIT)
S1 – S6
Panda and Friends
Panda and Friends Team
P1 – P6
Hos Lee, BA (Hons) (CityU)
P1 – P3
SBA Programme
Eric Yiu, BEng (CUHK)
Professional Development Workshops
Wiseman Team
S1 – S6